Raspberry Lemon Verbena
Characteristics: Full fresh raspberry notes on the finish.
Infusion: Tending luscious pink
Ingredients: Apple pieces, Lemon Verbena, Lemongrass, Hibiscus, Lemon pieces, Raspberry pieces, Cornflower petals, Natural flavors (Organic Compliant)
Ingredient Origination: Anatolya, Turkey; Provence, France; Phetchabun, Thailand; Nile River Delta + Fayoum, Egypt; Shandong, China; Tirana, Albania
Antioxidant Level: Low
Caffeine Level: None - this is a caffeine-free herb
Growing Altitudes: 300 - 4900 feet above sea level
This Product is Kosher, Vegetarian, and Vegan.
The best way to steep a cup of herbal or tisane tea always starts by ensuring you clean your vessel very well, be it a teapot or a mug or a tea press. Then select good water (a bottle of spring water is recommended) and boil it in a clean kettle to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The measurement is ~6 ounces of water to one teaspoon of mix. Let it steep 3-5 minutes or to your preference.
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